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Spooky Sweat: 12 Halloween-Themed Exercises to Get You Fit and Fierce

Halloween-themed exercises by Fitshop.

Spooky Sweat: 12 Halloween-Themed Exercises to Get You Fit and Fierce

Halloween is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with some frightfully fun Halloween-themed exercises? At Fitshop, we’ve decided to put a spooky twist on some popular techniques. We’ve got a set of exercises that’ll leave your muscles trembling like footsteps echoing in a haunted house. Ready to get started? Grab your kit and let’s go!

12 Halloween-Themed Exercises to Try This Season

Get ready to creep, crawl, and lift your way through Halloween-themed exercises like Pumpkin Swings and Monster Walks that will keep you moving and laughing along the way.

Pumpkin Swings

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The Halloween Kettlebell Alternative

Trade in your kettlebell for a pumpkin and add some seasonal flair! Stand with your feet hip-width apart, grab the pumpkin with both hands, and swing it back between your legs. Now thrust your hips forward and swing it up to chest height. Imagine you’re powering up your Jack-o’-lantern for the big night!

Zombies, Run!

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ZRX: Zombies, Run! + Marvel Move

Get your heart racing (literally!) by dodging zombies with the ZRX: Zombies, Run! + Marvel Move app. Whether you’re a slow shuffler or a speed demon, this app lets you escape the undead in your favourite way. Want to jog through the park as the sun sets? Go for it—just don’t look behind you! Or maybe you’re more of a treadmill runner, safe inside with the curtains drawn? Perfect for avoiding the lurking zombies outside.

Monster Walks and Mummy Wraps

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A Monstrous Combination!

For Monster Walks, put a resistance band around your knees and get ready to stomp! Take wide, side-to-side steps while keeping tension on the band, then mix it up by stepping forward and backwards—don’t forget to add your best monster growl. For Mummy Wraps, use a band while performing squats or lunges, pretending to wrap yourself up like a mummy breaking free from the tomb.

Coffin Sit-Ups

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Rising from the Dead!

Lie down as if in a coffin (hands crossed over your chest), and rise from the dead! Engage your core and sit up without moving your legs. For an extra challenge, hold a weight plate over your chest. Bonus points if you add eerie moaning noises while you do it!

Spider Push-Ups

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Creepy Crawling Strength!

Get into a push-up position with your hands under your shoulders. As you lower yourself, bring one knee toward your elbow like a spider creeping along the floor. Alternate sides with each rep and feel your upper body and core work together.

Monster Crawls

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Crawl Like a Creature!

Get down on all fours and lift your knees slightly off the ground. Now, crawl forward and backwards, keeping your body as low as possible. Channel your inner monster with each movement, and feel your shoulders, quads, and core burning! It’s a fun, challenging, full-body move.

Frankenstein Squats (Zombie Squats)

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Squat Like the Living Dead!

Stand tall, extend your arms stiffly out in front of you, and perform a deep squat, just like Frankenstein’s monster might. To make it tougher, grab a barbell and add weight. These squats are a perfect way to turn your legs into powerhouses.


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Wriggle Like the Undead!

Lie on your back with your arms and legs in the air. Slowly lower one arm and the opposite leg, keeping your core tight. Alternate sides and keep your movements slow and controlled, as though you’re a creature reanimating! This is a killer move for your core.

Black Cat

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Arch and Stretch!

Start on your hands and knees. Arch your back, raising your head and tilting your pelvis like a content cat. Then, round your spine and bring your head and pelvis down like a hissing cat! This stretch will help you stay limber and release tension in your back and shoulders.

Guillotine Chops

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Unleash Your Strength!

Stand tall and choose your challenge—grab a dumbbell or just use your body weight. If you’re using a dumbbell, hold it over one shoulder like you’re wielding an axe. In a chopping motion, swing it diagonally across your body while squatting, then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. For a no-equipment version, simply mimic the same chopping motion using your arms. Either way, this move targets your core, legs, and shoulders while adding a dynamic twist to your workout!


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Take to the Sky!

Lie face down on your mat. Stretch your arms out like Superman taking off. Lift your arms and legs off the floor and hold, then lower back down. Feel your lower back, glutes, and shoulders power up as you save the day, or just your posture!

Corpse Pose

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Rest in Peace!

End your workout with some well-earned rest. Lie flat on your back, arms and legs relaxed, and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and imagine floating through a peaceful graveyard. This relaxing pose is perfect for winding down, just don’t fall asleep in the process!

Fitshop Products Used in These Halloween-Themed Exercises

To make your Halloween workout as spooky and effective as possible, we used the following Fitshop products:

This Halloween, don’t just carve pumpkins—carve out some serious muscle! From cardio to strength training, functional workouts, and recovery and wellness tools, you’ll find the perfect equipment to keep pushing yourself year-round. So why not treat yourself to a fitter, healthier lifestyle? Visit Fitshop and discover everything you need to power up your workouts!

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